Showing posts with label Meal planning. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Meal planning. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Summertime Meal Planning

If summer has one redeeming quality it's the abundance of local fruits and vegetables it brings. Otherwise? Meh. I'm not a fan of sweat. Or sunburns. But let's not get sidetracked hatin' on summer. 

With the scores of fresh produce available, I tend to scale back my meal plans. I never know what great deal I am going to come across at the produce stand or what is actually going to survive in my garden (it's a short list this year). I tend to have a couple of main courses in the back of my head and fill in the cracks with lots of vegetable salads and sautes. 

{fresh peaches at my favorite roadside stand this week}

So instead of a meal plan this week (because I don't even have one) I am going to share some of my favorite summertime recipes with you.

Squash Casserole - This is my favorite squash casserole. I make it once a week. No joke. It's ah-mazing! But what isn't amazing with cheese and sour cream? PS. I never use the crackers. Just hold back a little cheese and sprinkle it on top. 

Zuchinni and Squash Au Gratin - I stepped out of my Squash Casserole comfort zone and tried this last week. It's a keeper. 

Buttery Patty Pan Squash with Basil - Because, you know, more squash. And butter. Lots of butter. 

Broccoli Salad - Just a good old summertime staple. That just happens to include bacon. 

BLT Grilled Cheese - I lived off of these last summer. 

Fresh Salsa - For when you can't possible conceive of eating another tomato sandwich. Even if it does have bacon on it. 

Bacon Squash Quiche - Quiche is a perfect way to use up some more of that abundant summer squash. And it's delicious too. 

White Beans with Veggies - I'm actually making this tonight. I'm going to skip the couscous and serve it over leftover rice. 

Strawberry Trifle - Because everyone needs a treat. Just not one loaded up with Cool Whip and Jello pudding mixes. 

Another favorite is a simple squash/tomato/whateveryouwannathrowinit sauté. No recipe. Just start with some butter in a sauté pan and taste as you go. I love adding a splash of balsamic vinegar and Italian seasoning. You could also just use Italian salad dressing. A sprinkle of cheese is great at the end. There is no right or wrong here. This is about serving squash for the fourth time in a week without your family complaining. Have fun. Be adventurous. Add some bacon. Can I get an amen?

This post is linked up at The Homestead Barn Hop.